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Arguments over the existence of God


The evidence for Christ's existence - evaluated (18:09)

Whether Jesus of Nazereth actually existed
is of little importance outside of Christianity.
For Christians, a negative answer means they are finished.
A positive answer keeps them in the game
but still doesn't make Jesus a god.

For atheists, we could care less:
his existence doesn't matter much to us either way;
but the claim of his divinity has zero evidentiary support
and that's the real crux of the debate.

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Some scientists think they have proof that God exists ...

like Robert Nelson (9 pages)

It's amazing what counts as proof ... to the desperately delusional.

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Bad Christian arguments:
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence "

Actually it IS evidence of absence
(it's just not 'proof' of absence)

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How to defeat the lie that "evolution is an atheist belief. "

The percentage of Americans who believe in evolution is about 62%

The percentage of Americans who are atheist is about 7%

Therefore almost 90% of evolution believers are not atheists.
That is the fact that apologists desperately try to hide from their audiences.

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Bad Christian arguments:
"We were created in God's image "

Then how come we are not invisible?

Their argument has the facts completely backwards (as always).
Actually, God was created in our image ...

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Bad Christian arguments:
"God is beyond comprehension "

And yet, they miraculously find
that they are  able to comprehend God ... when defending Him.

But I will tell you what I don't comprehend about their God;

how He could create a world like this ...

Photos of the human race

If this world we live in were created -
then it could only have been done so ...

by an evil monster

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British actor Stephen Fry answers the question ...

What if the Christian God is real? (2:24)

The high points of the video occur every time we get to see
the host's reactions to Fry's statements.

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Bad Christian arguments:
"The beautiful design of our world proves there is an intelligent designer."  (4:58)

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The Story of Salvation
by The Thinking Atheist (Seth Andrews)

"An omnipotent God chooses not to use His power to simply forgive humankind,
but instead implements a solution which requires
that He impregnate a teen girl in order to give birth to Himself
so He can have Himself slaughtered to save human beings from the Hell that He created.
He then decides to communicate His scheme through conflicting accounts
penned decades later by anonymous authors
and subjectively handed down by flawed translators
who can't even agree on the interpretation of the virgin.

Think about that one

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More proof that Allah is the one true invisible ghost

Allah Continues to Pound Christchurch in New Zealand

UPDATE (11/16/16)

7.8 earthquake hits near Christchurch in New Zealand

5 years ago, 185 people were killed in Christchurch by an Earthquake.
It sounds like Allah is beating the snot out of the Christian God.

After all, don't evangelists always credit their God
when natural disasters strike here in America;
and then inform us that the disasters were retaliation by God
for abortion and gay marriage?

(I believe the answer to that question is ... "Yes")

Just in case you wanted to challenge what I just said above

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The Atheist Experience Talkshow was "SMOKED" by a Christian
who became the first caller in the show's 15-year history
to prove his opening premise.

Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris, hosts of "The Atheist Experience" talkshow,
received a call from a man from Mesa, Arizona named "Eric."
Here is a clip of the 20-minute debate:

Eric began by trying to sneak an unproven premise past Matt and Tracie
but they didn't let him get away with it.
When Eric realized that the hosts weren't going to allow him
to move on to his other points (which would have been based on the false premise),
he was reduced to simply repeating his misrepresentations of what Matt had said.
It was a classic Christian Apologist slaughter.

So why did I say that Eric "smoked" the Atheist Experience?

Go back to the beginning of the video
where Eric talks about Kramer beating up on all the little kids in his karate class.
Eric was claiming that this Seinfeld episode was analogous
to how the hosts "beat up" on naive Christian callers.
THAT was his opening premise - and Eric proved his opening premise ...


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In case you get cornered by a Ghost Worshiper
who begins hitting you with bullshit Christian apologetic arguments,
here is a list of some arguments that have been debunked;

and some useful replies (7 pages)

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Answer to the Christian challenge ... "What if you're wrong?"
(Allah sends a powerful reply to American Christians)

Touchdown Jesus!

A year later and this story is still worth 1,000 virgins


America is mired in the worst depression since the 1930's.
Hundreds of thousands are losing their homes, millions are out of work,
and half are barely surviving, at or below the Poverty Line.

Instead of spending money on schools, roads, hospitals,
and other desperately needed things,
how do the Ghost Worshipers in Monroe, Ohio
decide to spend their money instead?

By allocating hundreds of thousands of dollars
to reconstruct a gigantic statue that people can look at.

Whatever happened to Exodus 20:4?
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,
or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above ....

Odd. I would have thought that, with their childlike minds,
they would have concluded that maybe God destroyed the statue
because He doesn't like being disobeyed.

When hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans,
Conservative Christians swore it was God punishing them for sinning.
When a tsunami massacred Japan, many Conservative Christians again claimed
that it was a punishment from God for not accepting Christianity.
When Haiti was devastated by an earthquake,
many Christians believed it was a punishment from God
because Haitians had made a deal with the devil to free them from slavery.

But when a lightning strike burned down Jesus,
they turned to science, and explained it by demonstrating
a sudden knowledge of climate science and how atmospheric storms work.

So I guess their conclusion can only be
that God controls the weather when bad things happen to others,
but when bad things happen to them,
nature is in control while God is out playing blackjack at the Olympus Casino.

This event also provided a pretty good argument for Muslims:
if it were Allah who sent the lightning bolt, then combined with 9/11,
and the fact that Islam is projected to surpass Christianity by the end of this century,
it would appear as though Yahweh is getting his cosmic ass, royally kicked.

Maybe this would be a good time for Yahweh to apologize
for all those nasty things His followers said about Scientology's God, Xenu,
and consider joining forces.
It makes sense because God's most advanced weaponry,
according to the Bible, is the sword;
while Xenu was using atomic bombs trillions of years ago.
If Yahweh eats a little humble pie,
together they might give Allah something to sweat about.

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To be a Christian - this is what you have to believe.
God's checklist (9:47)

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Dillahunty destroys Matt Slick's "Transcendental Argument for the existence of God"

The debate begins at 19:40 and lasts ~ 47 minutes (show #593).
Also watch Dillahunty's 14 minute recap starting at 9:35 in show #594.

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Dave Allen discusses Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (4:58)

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Regarding near death experiences:
why doesn't Jesus ever appear to Hindus?

For the same reason that Krishna never appears to Christians.

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Bad Christian arguments:
When challenged by Apologists with the question, "Were you there? "
My answer is exactly the same as the one they would give,
if I asked them, "Were you at the Crucifixion?"

The difference is, I have evidence for my beliefs ... they don't.

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Bad Christian arguments:
The "Kalam" Cosmological Argument:
"everything has a cause "

Not only is that premise unproven,
but by claiming God has no cause ...
they disprove the existence of God.

They are then forced to try to salvage their sinking argument
by resorting to the logical fallacy of 'Special Pleading'.

Game ... Set ... and Match.

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"You have to believe ancient desert shepherds because we do."

Every Christian argument boils down to that statement ...
everything else is a distraction.

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Christian Apologists


And another Muslim apologist ... bites the dust

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Classic Emails (4 pages)

Prophet Walker tries throwing scripture at me ...

big mistake

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Classic Emails (2 pages)

Jeff Miller, PHD, responds to my show which featured him last Saturday ...

And I responded back

I haven't received a reply from him yet.
Oh dear - I hope I didn't offend.
PHD's can be so ... sensitive.

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Classic Emails (3 pages)

After reading this email exchange
it should become clear why this Atheist can be impressed by someone like ...

William Lane Craig

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Classic emails (6 pages)

The "Tentmaker" returns to the Arena for his annual ass whoopin;
and there's still no evidence of a logical bone ...

anywhere in his entire body

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Classic Emails (2 pages)


Typical Christian Apologist Dishonesty ... Exposed

When Aron realized how deceitful this little amoeba had been,
he removed the video from his "favorites."

There is no shame in being fooled.
We all occasionally get fooled by slick liars ...
Be ashamed if you do nothing about it.

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